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Facts About Acne

Five Most Common Facts About Acne


Almost everyone is affected by Acne, making it the most common skin concern worldwide. Though it is most often associated with adolescence, it can affect people of all ages.

Here are five facts about Acne:

  1. Poor hygiene or dirt doesn’t raise Acne.
  2. A poor or Rich diet doesn’t have to relate to Acne.
  3. Acne is caused by oil build-up and dead skin cells in the pores.
  4. Acne can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications.
  5. Acne can be prevented by keeping the skin clean and moisturized and avoiding harsh chemicals or scrubbing the skin.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Acne, it is essential to seek medical treatment to clear the skin and prevent scarring. Early treatment is essential for preventing long-term damage to the skin.

Why is Acne not caused by dirt or poor hygiene?

Poor diet doesn’t have to do anything with Acne, as the main reasons for Acne are oil build-up & dead skin cells in the pores. Scrubbing the skin, touching the skin with hands frequently, or over-washing can worsen the acne, causing more skin inflammation. However, you can prevent acne by using an effective soap or cleanser by gently washing your face for Acne-cleared skin.

Why doesn’t a poor diet affect acne that much?

Acne isn’t fully affected by a poor diet, but it has some effects if not avoided those foods. However, some foods can contribute to inflammation and make Acne worse. Foods that are high in saturated fats or sugars, such as cake, carbonated drinks or fried rice, etc., should be considered a redline if you are struggling with acne or other skin concerns.

Energetic foods like eggs, watered fruits or vegetables, and whole grains can help your skin fight skin allergies (Acne is one of them).

How effective are the oil build-up and dead skins for acne?

As we all know, the main reason for acne formation is oil build-up and dead skin cells appearing in the pores. The oil, called sebum, is produced by the sebaceous glands (that are located at the base of the hair follicles). The dead skin cells are shed from the lining of the pore, making these two things (oil build-up & dead skin cells) form to block the pore that causes pimple formation.

How can Acne be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications?

People in old age have used herbal treatments to cure acne. Still, as time flies, dermatologists have discovered the most advanced techniques, such as over-the-counter, laser treatment, and meditations to fight skin concerns.

Over-the-counter options include cleansers, gels, and creams that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Prescription options include oral antibiotics, retinoids, and isotretinoin. These treatments are very effective and 100% proven ways to provide acne-cleared skin by eliminating the bacteria responsible for acne.

How can Acne be prevented?

Acne can be prevented by keeping the skin clean and moisturized and avoiding harsh chemicals or scrubbing the skin. Gentle cleansing with a mild soap or cleanser is all needed to keep the skin clean.

Moisturizing the skin helps to keep the skin hydrated and can prevent the overproduction of sebum. Avoiding harsh chemicals, touching your face with your hands, or scrubbing the skin can help to avoid irritation and further inflammation.

If you are still unable to treat your acne, call for an appointment with a dermatologist.

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